It's a funny old business setting up a business, an endless series of tasks that need to be carried out, many of which cannot be done until some other detail has been completed. Company incorporation, banking, VAT. Website, Facebook, blog. All I really want to do is to sell film to people but it isn't possible to get around the rules...
Ironic isn't it that the process of selling Instant films should be so long winded when the product is so immediate?
When I started setting up the business I decided that I would send out a Christmas card to business friends and acquaintances to let them know what I was planning to do. My wife, Laura and I trawled through recent pictures and after narrowing it down to about half a dozen we chose this picture - mainly because it was bright and very red. Checking the spelling of the shrine in Kyoto where the picture was taken: Fushimi Inari Taisha - I discovered that it is a shrine to business! Businesses in Japan sponsor a Torii, the red gates, in the hopes that it will bring their business good fortune... I didn't do any sponsoring but I feel that Inari (the fox) may be looking out for me.
Ben Boswell
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